Dr. Reagan Flowers

Deep in the heart of Texas resides one of the world’s leading African-American female STEM educators. Dr. Reagan Flowers from Houston, TX. Dr. Flowers is an internationally recognized champion of using STEM education to better the lives of children of color. She has raised millions of dollars towards efforts to close achievement gaps that disadvantaged students face in underfunded schools and undeveloped communities.


The Obama Whitehouse recognized her as a Champion of Change. Her work continues to impact teachers, professionals, and students from all walks of life. She has managed over $10 million in funding for special programs that help support the development of exceptional STEM instructional leaders across this country. Thanks to a grant provided by NASA, her students during her time as a science teacher at Jack Yates High School were able to build a one-of-a-kind robot to compete in the school’s first-ever robotics competition. 


Today, she works diligently as CEO of C-STEM, proudly headquartered in historic Third Ward in Houston, TX. She continues to make sure that underrepresented students get the opportunities necessary to have better professional and personal outcomes. Dr. Reagan is more than an example of excellence in education and entrepreneurship; she inspires young African-American girls on the unlimited possibilities with determination, focus, and faith.


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